Starting from an early age I loved the smell of leather.
Having learned from my father who made all kinds of great things with leather I was hooked. Dad early on had received all of his tools and patterns from a great aunt who made beautiful gifts and things for the family. She had given all of her tools to him when she lost her eyesight due to diabetes. I can still remember Dad taking projects to her he had made. She would feel the tooling and approve of his work. I grew up making small projects like belts, wallets and knife cases. I also learned in Boy scouts and even taught the leatherwork merit badge at local summer camps. I took classes from a local Tandy Leather Store. I worked in saddle shops in Stephenville and also Grandview, Texas. While working on large cattle ranches near Cimarron, New Mexico, Alpine, Texas and Muleshoe, Texas, I would make and repair my own gear and for those whom I worked with. Today Paula and I have a shop of our own and are proud to be able to use the talents we have been given by God to bring joy to those whom we are blessed to serve. Thanks for stopping by! Clint and Paula Manning |